Wednesday 24 February 2016

Book Review: Don't Drink & Fly

More Witch Lit...

This is the first in a series about Bernice O' Hanlon, a complex character, dealing with the highs and lows of living as a Witch in Glasgow. Bernice is not only a Witch with skeletons in her closet, she has an addictive personality and struggles with relationships too. And coupled with inaccurate spell-casting as the result of too much wine; we have a recipe for all kinds of magical mishaps...
Relying on the help of long-suffering friend Maggie, Bernice attempts to patch her life together and make some sense out of it. It's a story of struggles and coming to terms with a past wrought with family trauma and dark secrets.
This is one of those books for reading in transit.. short chapters and a fast-paced storyline with every sort of twist and turn to keep the reader guessing.
Confusing? Yes, but then what do you expect with an air head like Bernice?!
Down to earth? Absolutely. How could a story with a bunch of hardy Glaswegians in it, not be?
Whatever the future holds for Bernice, it probably won't be simple...
An enjoyable read and worth looking out for part two!
For more info on Cathie Devitt:

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